A New Era for Big T

Since the event’s inception, the hardworking Tim Lennox from Big T Electrical has donated his time and expertise as well as equipment to ensure that there is power for Bethlehem Live. Despite Tim selling Big T to Elana and Simon Skinns earlier this year, Tim is still keen to be involved and he’s brought Elana and Simon into it with him.

“Elana and Simon are keen to keep Big T going as it was in the past and have decided to support Bethlehem Live into the future” Tim explained. “I’m still the Big T but I don’t have to manage the business side anymore and I can do more of the roles I enjoy like providing service to our customers and being active in the community working on events like Bethlehem Live.”

Elana and Simon as the new owners are not strangers to Bundaberg or the Big T family. “I hired Elana in my first month when I started Big T” Tim says.

Elana continues the story; “Yeah I worked for Tim before Simon and I moved to the Sunshine Coast where we had our own solar business. The opportunity to purchase Tim’s business came up and it was just the right time to move back and bring with us the solar knowledge and incorporate that into what Big T was already doing”.

Despite being a major provider of infrastructure for Bethlehem Live, it’s often unseen just how much goes into an event like this. “There’s a lot of cost obviously with time and labour” Tim explains “but the week before Christmas is also the busiest time of year with so many of our electricians on double time during the hours of the event.”

Over the years Big T Electrical has invested in purchasing power plants and lighting for the event and both Tim and Elana are very excited to be trialing solar plant lights to help reduce the noise. “There’s a lot of planning and adapting that goes into this event; as well as constantly adapting as plans modify or change to make the city grow.” Elana says. “But that’s why Tim is perfect to spearhead this project as he’s very good at adapting and making things happen.” Tim explains that his role is not just looking after making sure there is electricity but planning things like how to ensure the food vendors have what they need, making sure the stage is working for both sound and lighting, having light in the right place facing the right way so that people can navigate their way around the city.

What is it about Bethlehem Live that Big T Electrical love? “I love that it’s hands-on and 5-dimensional. You’re not sitting there watching it on a phone, you’re out there experiencing it and interacting with people.” Tim says “but I also love that it’s a Combined Churches event working on this special Christmas project.”

For Elana it’s the family aspect that is important to her. “I have young kids similar in age to Tim’s kids so it’s great to be able to bring them. But I love how the locals and visitors alike have really gotten behind this event and the way they continue to help it grow” she explains. “I always hear positive feedback and people are always talking about whether you have visited Bethlehem Live. At this time of year, people appreciate the Christmas Spirit, family love, community love and importantly Jesus as well.”

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